PC World 2008 March
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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Justin Dolske <dolske@mozilla.com> (original author)
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
function LoginManager() {
LoginManager.prototype = {
classDescription: "LoginManager",
contractID: "@mozilla.org/login-manager;1",
classID: Components.ID("{cb9e0de8-3598-4ed7-857b-827f011ad5d8}"),
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsILoginManager,
/* ---------- private memebers ---------- */
__logService : null, // Console logging service, used for debugging.
get _logService() {
if (!this.__logService)
this.__logService = Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
return this.__logService;
__promptService : null, // Prompt service for user interaction
get _promptService() {
if (!this.__promptService)
this.__promptService = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
return this.__promptService;
__ioService: null, // IO service for string -> nsIURI conversion
get _ioService() {
if (!this.__ioService)
this.__ioService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
return this.__ioService;
__formFillService : null, // FormFillController, for username autocompleting
get _formFillService() {
if (!this.__formFillService)
this.__formFillService = Cc[
return this.__formFillService;
__strBundle : null, // String bundle for L10N
get _strBundle() {
if (!this.__strBundle) {
var bunService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
this.__strBundle = bunService.createBundle(
if (!this.__strBundle)
throw "String bundle for Login Manager not present!";
return this.__strBundle;
__brandBundle : null, // String bundle for L10N
get _brandBundle() {
if (!this.__brandBundle) {
var bunService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
this.__brandBundle = bunService.createBundle(
if (!this.__brandBundle)
throw "Branding string bundle not present!";
return this.__brandBundle;
__storage : null, // Storage component which contains the saved logins
get _storage() {
if (!this.__storage) {
this.__storage = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager/storage/legacy;1"]
try {
} catch (e) {
this.log("Initialization of storage component failed: " + e);
this.__storage = null;
return this.__storage;
_prefBranch : null, // Preferences service
_nsLoginInfo : null, // Constructor for nsILoginInfo implementation
_remember : true, // mirrors signon.rememberSignons preference
_debug : false, // mirrors signon.debug
* init
* Initialize the Login Manager. Automatically called when service
* is created.
* Note: Service created in /browser/base/content/browser.js,
* delayedStartup()
init : function () {
// Cache references to current |this| in utility objects
this._webProgressListener._domEventListener = this._domEventListener;
this._webProgressListener._pwmgr = this;
this._domEventListener._pwmgr = this;
this._observer._pwmgr = this;
// Preferences. Add observer so we get notified of changes.
this._prefBranch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this._prefBranch.addObserver("", this._observer, false);
// Get current preference values.
this._debug = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref("debug");
this._remember = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref("rememberSignons");
// Get constructor for nsILoginInfo
this._nsLoginInfo = new Components.Constructor(
"@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1", Ci.nsILoginInfo);
// Form submit observer checks forms for new logins and pw changes.
var observerService = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observerService.addObserver(this._observer, "earlyformsubmit", false);
observerService.addObserver(this._observer, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
// WebProgressListener for getting notification of new doc loads.
var progress = Cc["@mozilla.org/docloaderservice;1"]
* log
* Internal function for logging debug messages to the Error Console window
log : function (message) {
if (!this._debug)
dump("Login Manager: " + message + "\n");
this._logService.logStringMessage("Login Manager: " + message);
/* ---------- Utility objects ---------- */
* _observer object
* Internal utility object, implements the nsIObserver interface.
* Used to receive notification for: form submission, preference changes.
_observer : {
_pwmgr : null,
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
// nsFormSubmitObserver
notify : function (formElement, aWindow, actionURI) {
this._pwmgr.log("observer notified for form submission.");
// We're invoked before the content's |onsubmit| handlers, so we
// can grab form data before it might be modified (see bug 257781).
try {
} catch (e) {
this._pwmgr.log("Caught error in onFormSubmit: " + e);
return true; // Always return true, or form submt will be canceled.
// nsObserver
observe : function (subject, topic, data) {
if (topic == "nsPref:changed") {
var prefName = data;
this._pwmgr.log("got change to " + prefName + " preference");
if (prefName == "debug") {
this._pwmgr._debug =
} else if (prefName == "rememberSignons") {
this._pwmgr._remember =
} else {
this._pwmgr.log("Oops! Pref not handled, change ignored.");
} else if (topic == "xpcom-shutdown") {
for (let i in this._pwmgr) {
try {
this._pwmgr[i] = null;
} catch(ex) {}
this._pwmgr = null;
} else {
this._pwmgr.log("Oops! Unexpected notification: " + topic);
* _webProgressListener object
* Internal utility object, implements nsIWebProgressListener interface.
* This is attached to the document loader service, so we get
* notifications about all page loads.
_webProgressListener : {
_pwmgr : null,
_domEventListener : null,
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWebProgressListener,
onStateChange : function (aWebProgress, aRequest,
aStateFlags, aStatus) {
// STATE_START is too early, doc is still the old page.
if (!(aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_TRANSFERRING))
return 0;
if (!this._pwmgr._remember)
return 0;
var domWin = aWebProgress.DOMWindow;
var domDoc = domWin.document;
// Only process things which might have HTML forms.
if (! domDoc instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument)
return 0;
this._pwmgr.log("onStateChange accepted: req = " + (aRequest ?
aRequest.name : "(null)") + ", flags = " + aStateFlags);
// fastback navigation... We won't get a DOMContentLoaded
// event again, so process any forms now.
if (aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_RESTORING) {
this._pwmgr.log("onStateChange: restoring document");
return this._pwmgr._fillDocument(domDoc);
// Add event listener to process page when DOM is complete.
this._pwmgr.log("onStateChange: adding dom listeners");
this._domEventListener, false);
return 0;
// stubs for the nsIWebProgressListener interfaces which we don't use.
onProgressChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onProgressChange"; },
onLocationChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onLocationChange"; },
onStatusChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onStatusChange"; },
onSecurityChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onSecurityChange"; }
* _domEventListener object
* Internal utility object, implements nsIDOMEventListener
* Used to catch certain DOM events needed to properly implement form fill.
_domEventListener : {
_pwmgr : null,
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMEventListener,
handleEvent : function (event) {
this._pwmgr.log("domEventListener: got event " + event.type);
var doc, inputElement;
switch (event.type) {
case "DOMContentLoaded":
doc = event.target;
return this._pwmgr._fillDocument(doc);
case "DOMAutoComplete":
case "blur":
inputElement = event.target;
return this._pwmgr._fillPassword(inputElement);
this._pwmgr.log("Oops! This event unexpected.");
return 0;
/* ---------- Primary Public interfaces ---------- */
* addLogin
* Add a new login to login storage.
addLogin : function (login) {
// Sanity check the login
if (login.hostname == null || login.hostname.length == 0)
throw "Can't add a login with a null or empty hostname.";
if (login.username == null || login.username.length == 0)
throw "Can't add a login with a null or empty username.";
if (login.password == null || login.password.length == 0)
throw "Can't add a login with a null or empty password.";
if (!login.httpRealm && !login.formSubmitURL)
throw "Can't add a login without a httpRealm or formSubmitURL.";
// Look for an existing entry.
var logins = this.findLogins({}, login.hostname, login.formSubmitURL,
if (logins.some(function(l) { return login.username == l.username }))
throw "This login already exists.";
this.log("Adding login: " + login);
return this._storage.addLogin(login);
* removeLogin
* Remove the specified login from the stored logins.
removeLogin : function (login) {
this.log("Removing login: " + login);
return this._storage.removeLogin(login);
* modifyLogin
* Change the specified login to match the new login.
modifyLogin : function (oldLogin, newLogin) {
this.log("Modifying oldLogin: " + oldLogin + " newLogin: " + newLogin);
return this._storage.modifyLogin(oldLogin, newLogin);
* getAllLogins
* Get a dump of all stored logins. Used by the login manager UI.
* |count| is only needed for XPCOM.
* Returns an array of logins. If there are no logins, the array is empty.
getAllLogins : function (count) {
this.log("Getting a list of all logins");
var logins = this._storage.getAllLogins({});
count.value = logins.length;
return logins;
* removeAllLogins
* Remove all stored logins.
removeAllLogins : function () {
this.log("Removing all logins");
* getAllDisabledHosts
* Get a list of all hosts for which logins are disabled.
* |count| is only needed for XPCOM.
* Returns an array of disabled logins. If there are no disabled logins,
* the array is empty.
getAllDisabledHosts : function (count) {
this.log("Getting a list of all disabled hosts");
var hosts = this._storage.getAllDisabledHosts({});
count.value = hosts.length;
return hosts;
* findLogins
* Search the known logins for entries matching the specified criteria
* for a protocol login (eg HTTP Auth).
findLogins : function (count, hostname, formSubmitURL, httpRealm) {
this.log("Searching for logins matching host: " + hostname +
", formSubmitURL: " + formSubmitURL + ", httpRealm: " + httpRealm);
var logins = this._storage.findLogins({}, hostname, formSubmitURL,
count.value = logins.length;
return logins;
* getLoginSavingEnabled
* Check to see if user has disabled saving logins for the host.
getLoginSavingEnabled : function (host) {
this.log("Checking if logins to " + host + " can be saved.");
if (!this._remember)
return false;
return this._storage.getLoginSavingEnabled(host);
* setLoginSavingEnabled
* Enable or disable storing logins for the specified host.
setLoginSavingEnabled : function (hostname, enabled) {
this.log("Saving logins for " + hostname + " enabled? " + enabled);
return this._storage.setLoginSavingEnabled(hostname, enabled);
* autoCompleteSearch
* Yuck. This is called directly by satchel:
* nsFormFillController::StartSearch()
* [toolkit/components/satchel/src/nsFormFillController.cpp]
* We really ought to have a simple way for code to register an
* auto-complete provider, and not have satchel calling pwmgr directly.
autoCompleteSearch : function (aSearchString, aPreviousResult, aElement) {
// aPreviousResult & aResult are nsIAutoCompleteResult,
// aElement is nsIDOMHTMLInputElement
if (!this._remember)
return false;
this.log("AutoCompleteSearch invoked. Search is: " + aSearchString);
var result = null;
if (aPreviousResult) {
this.log("Using previous autocomplete result");
result = aPreviousResult;
// We have a list of results for a shorter search string, so just
// filter them further based on the new search string.
// Count backwards, because result.matchCount is decremented
// when we remove an entry.
for (var i = result.matchCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var match = result.getValueAt(i);
// Remove results that are too short, or have different prefix.
if (aSearchString.length > match.length ||
aSearchString.toLowerCase() !=
match.substr(0, aSearchString.length).toLowerCase())
this.log("Removing autocomplete entry '" + match + "'");
result.removeValueAt(i, false);
} else {
// XXX The C++ code took care to avoid reentrancy if a
// master-password dialog was triggered here, but since
// we're decrypting at load time that can't happen right now.
this.log("Creating new autocomplete search result.");
var doc = aElement.ownerDocument;
var origin = this._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI);
var actionOrigin = this._getActionOrigin(aElement.form);
var logins = this.findLogins({}, origin, actionOrigin, null);
var matchingLogins = [];
for (i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) {
var username = logins[i].username.toLowerCase();
if (aSearchString.length <= username.length &&
aSearchString.toLowerCase() ==
username.substr(0, aSearchString.length))
this.log(matchingLogins.length + " autocomplete logins avail.");
result = new UserAutoCompleteResult(aSearchString, matchingLogins);
return result;
/* ------- Internal methods / callbacks for document integration ------- */
* _getPasswordFields
* Returns an array of password field elements for the specified form.
* If no pw fields are found, or if more than 3 are found, then null
* is returned.
* skipEmptyFields can be set to ignore password fields with no value.
_getPasswordFields : function (form, skipEmptyFields) {
// Locate the password fields in the form.
var pwFields = [];
for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
if (form.elements[i].type != "password")
if (skipEmptyFields && !form.elements[i].value)
pwFields[pwFields.length] = {
index : i,
element : form.elements[i]
// If too few or too many fields, bail out.
if (pwFields.length == 0 || pwFields.length > 3)
return null;
return pwFields;
* _getFormFields
* Returns the username and password fields found in the form.
* Can handle complex forms by trying to figure out what the
* relevant fields are.
* Returns: [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField]
* usernameField may be null.
* newPasswordField will always be non-null.
* oldPasswordField may be null. If null, newPasswordField is just
* "theLoginField". If not null, the form is apparently a
* change-password field, with oldPasswordField containing the password
* that is being changed.
_getFormFields : function (form, isSubmission) {
// Locate the password field(s) in the form. Up to 3 supported.
// If there's no password field, there's nothing for us to do.
var pwFields = this._getPasswordFields(form, isSubmission);
if (!pwFields) {
this.log("(form ignored -- either 0 or >3 pw fields.)");
return [null, null, null];
// Locate the username field in the form by serarching backwards
// from the first passwordfield, assume the first text field is the
// username. We might not find a username field if the user is
// already logged in to the site.
for (var i = pwFields[0].index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (form.elements[i].type == "text") {
var usernameField = form.elements[i];
if (!usernameField)
this.log("(form -- no username field found)");
// If we're not submitting a form (it's a page load), there are no
// password field values for us to use for identifying fields. So,
// just assume the first password field is the one to be filled in.
if (!isSubmission || pwFields.length == 1)
return [usernameField, pwFields[0].element, null];
// Try to figure out WTF is in the form based on the password values.
var oldPasswordField, newPasswordField;
var pw1 = pwFields[0].element.value;
var pw2 = pwFields[1].element.value;
var pw3 = (pwFields[2] ? pwFields[2].element.value : null);
if (pwFields.length == 3) {
// Look for two identical passwords, that's the new password
if (pw1 == pw2 && pw2 == pw3) {
// All 3 passwords the same? Weird! Treat as if 1 pw field.
newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element;
oldPasswordField = null;
} else if (pw1 == pw2) {
newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element;
oldPasswordField = pwFields[2].element;
} else if (pw2 == pw3) {
oldPasswordField = pwFields[0].element;
newPasswordField = pwFields[2].element;
} else if (pw1 == pw3) {
// A bit odd, but could make sense with the right page layout.
newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element;
oldPasswordField = pwFields[1].element;
} else {
// We can't tell which of the 3 passwords should be saved.
this.log("(form ignored -- all 3 pw fields differ)");
return [null, null, null];
} else { // pwFields.length == 2
if (pw1 == pw2) {
// Treat as if 1 pw field
newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element;
oldPasswordField = null;
} else {
// Just assume that the 2nd password is the new password
oldPasswordField = pwFields[0].element;
newPasswordField = pwFields[1].element;
return [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField];
* _onFormSubmit
* Called by the our observer when notified of a form submission.
* [Note that this happens before any DOM onsubmit handlers are invoked.]
* Looks for a password change in the submitted form, so we can update
* our stored password.
* XXX update actionURL of existing login, even if pw not being changed?
_onFormSubmit : function (form) {
// local helper function
function autocompleteDisabled(element) {
if (element && element.hasAttribute("autocomplete") &&
element.getAttribute("autocomplete").toLowerCase() == "off")
return true;
return false;
// local helper function
function findExistingLogin(pwmgr, hostname,
formSubmitURL, usernameField) {
var searchLogin = new pwmgr._nsLoginInfo();
searchLogin.init(hostname, formSubmitURL, null,
usernameField.value, "",
usernameField.name, "");
var logins = pwmgr.findLogins({}, hostname, formSubmitURL, null);
var existingLogin;
var found = logins.some(function(l) {
existingLogin = l;
return searchLogin.equalsIgnorePassword(l);
return (found ? existingLogin : null);
var doc = form.ownerDocument;
var win = doc.window;
// If password saving is disabled (globally or for host), bail out now.
if (!this._remember)
var hostname = this._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI);
var formSubmitURL = this._getActionOrigin(form)
if (!this.getLoginSavingEnabled(hostname)) {
this.log("(form submission ignored -- saving is " +
"disabled for: " + hostname + ")");
// Get the appropriate fields from the form.
var [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField] =
this._getFormFields(form, true);
// Need at least 1 valid password field to do anything.
if (newPasswordField == null)
// Check for autocomplete=off attribute. We don't use it to prevent
// autofilling (for existing logins), but won't save logins when it's
// present.
if (autocompleteDisabled(form) ||
autocompleteDisabled(usernameField) ||
autocompleteDisabled(newPasswordField) ||
autocompleteDisabled(oldPasswordField)) {
this.log("(form submission ignored -- autocomplete=off found)");
var formLogin = new this._nsLoginInfo();
formLogin.init(hostname, formSubmitURL, null,
(usernameField ? usernameField.value : null),
(usernameField ? usernameField.name : null),
// If we didn't find a username field, but seem to be changing a
// password, allow the user to select from a list of applicable
// logins to update the password for.
if (!usernameField && oldPasswordField) {
var ok, username;
var logins = this.findLogins({}, hostname, formSubmitURL, null);
// XXX we could be smarter here: look for a login matching the
// old password value. If there's only one, update it. If there's
// more than one we could filter the list (but, edge case: the
// login for the pwchange is in pwmgr, but with an outdated
// password. and the user has another login, with the same
// password as the form login's old password.) ugh.
// XXX if you're changing a password, and there's no username
// in the form, then you can't add the login. Will need to change
// prompting to allow this.
if (logins.length == 0) {
this.log("(no logins for this host -- pwchange ignored)");
} else if (logins.length == 1) {
username = logins[0].username;
ok = this._promptToChangePassword(win, username)
} else {
var usernames = [];
logins.forEach(function(l) { usernames.push(l.username); });
[ok, username] = this._promptToChangePasswordWithUsernames(
win, usernames);
if (!ok)
// Now that we know the desired username, find that login and
// update the info in our formLogin representation.
this.log("Updating password for username " + username);
var existingLogin;
logins.some(function(l) {
existingLogin = l;
return (l.username == username);
formLogin.username = username;
formLogin.usernameField = existingLogin.usernameField;
this.modifyLogin(existingLogin, formLogin);
if (!usernameField && !oldPasswordField) {
this.log("XXX not handled yet");
// We have a username. Look for an existing login that matches the
// form data (other than the password, which might be different)
existingLogin = findExistingLogin(this, hostname, formSubmitURL,
if (existingLogin) {
this.log("Found an existing login matching this form submission");
// Change password if needed
if (existingLogin.password != formLogin.password) {
this.log("...Updating password for existing login.");
this.modifyLogin(existingLogin, formLogin);
// Prompt user to save a new login.
var userChoice = this._promptToSaveLogin(win);
if (userChoice == 2) {
this.log("Disabling " + hostname + " logins by user request.");
this.setLoginSavingEnabled(hostname, false);
} else if (userChoice == 0) {
this.log("Saving login for " + hostname);
} else {
// userChoice == 1 --> just ignore the login.
this.log("Ignoring login.");
* _getPasswordOrigin
* Get the parts of the URL we want for identification.
_getPasswordOrigin : function (uriString) {
var realm = "";
try {
var uri = this._ioService.newURI(uriString, null, null);
realm += uri.scheme;
realm += "://";
realm += uri.hostPort;
} catch (e) {
// bug 159484 - disallow url types that don't support a hostPort.
// (set null to cause throw in the JS above)
realm = null;
return realm;
_getActionOrigin : function (form) {
var uriString = form.action;
// A blank or mission action submits to where it came from.
if (uriString == "")
uriString = form.baseURI; // ala bug 297761
return this._getPasswordOrigin(uriString);
* _fillDocument
* Called when a page has loaded. For each form in the document,
* we check to see if it can be filled with a stored login.
_fillDocument : function (doc) {
var forms = doc.forms;
if (!forms || forms.length == 0)
var formOrigin = this._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI);
var autofillForm = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref("autofillForms");
this.log("fillDocument found " + forms.length +
" forms on " + doc.documentURI);
var previousActionOrigin = null;
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
var form = forms[i];
var actionOrigin = this._getActionOrigin(form);
// Heuristically determine what the user/pass fields are
// We do this before checking to see if logins are stored,
// so that the user isn't prompted for a master password
// without need.
var [usernameField, passwordField, ignored] =
this._getFormFields(form, false);
// Need a valid password field to do anything.
if (passwordField == null)
// Only the actionOrigin might be changing, so if it's the same
// as the last form on the page we can reuse the same logins.
if (actionOrigin != previousActionOrigin) {
var logins =
this.findLogins({}, formOrigin, actionOrigin, null);
this.log("form[" + i + "]: got " + logins.length + " logins.");
previousActionOrigin = actionOrigin;
} else {
this.log("form[" + i + "]: using logins from last form.");
// Nothing to do if we have no matching logins available.
if (logins.length == 0)
// Attach autocomplete stuff to the username field, if we have
// one. This is normally used to select from multiple accounts,
// but even with one account we should refill if the user edits.
// XXX should be able to pass in |logins| to init attachment
if (usernameField)
if (autofillForm) {
// If username was specified in the form, only fill in the
// password if we find a matching login.
if (usernameField && usernameField.value) {
var username = usernameField.value;
var foundLogin;
var found = logins.some(function(l) {
foundLogin = l;
return (l.username == username);
if (found)
passwordField.value = foundLogin.password;
} else if (logins.length == 1) {
if (usernameField)
usernameField.value = logins[0].username;
passwordField.value = logins[0].password;
} // foreach form
* _attachToInput
* Hooks up autocomplete support to a username field, to allow
* a user editing the field to select an existing login and have
* the password field filled in.
_attachToInput : function (element) {
this.log("attaching autocomplete stuff");
this._domEventListener, false);
this._domEventListener, false);
* _fillPassword
* The user has autocompleted a username field, so fill in the password.
_fillPassword : function (usernameField) {
this.log("fillPassword autocomplete username: " + usernameField.value);
var form = usernameField.form;
var doc = form.ownerDocument;
var hostname = this._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI);
var formSubmitURL = this._getActionOrigin(form)
// Find the password field. We should always have at least one,
// or else something has gone rather wrong.
var pwFields = this._getPasswordFields(form, false);
if (!pwFields) {
const err = "No password field for autocomplete password fill.";
// We want to know about this even if debugging is disabled.
if (!this._debug)
// XXX: we could do better on forms with 2 or 3 password fields.
var passwordField = pwFields[pwFields.length - 1].element;
// XXX this would really be cleaner if we could get at the
// AutoCompleteResult, which has the actual nsILoginInfo for the
// username selected.
// Temporary LoginInfo with the info we know.
var currentLogin = new this._nsLoginInfo();
currentLogin.init(hostname, formSubmitURL, null,
usernameField.value, null,
usernameField.name, passwordField.name);
// Look for a existing login and use its password.
var match = null;
var logins = this.findLogins({}, hostname, formSubmitURL, null);
if (!logins.some(function(l) {
match = l;
return currentLogin.equalsIgnorePassword(l);
this.log("Can't find a login for this autocomplete result.");
this.log("Found a matching login, filling in password.");
passwordField.value = match.password;
/* ---------- User Prompts ---------- */
* _promptToSaveLogin
* Called when we detect a new login in a form submission,
* asks the user what to do.
* Return values:
* 0 - Save the login
* 1 - Ignore the login this time
* 2 - Never save logins for this site
_promptToSaveLogin : function (aWindow) {
const buttonFlags = Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT +
var brandShortName =
var dialogText = this._getLocalizedString(
"savePasswordText", [brandShortName]);
var dialogTitle = this._getLocalizedString(
var neverButtonText = this._getLocalizedString(
var rememberButtonText = this._getLocalizedString(
var notNowButtonText = this._getLocalizedString(
this.log("Prompting user to save/ignore login");
var result = this._promptService.confirmEx(aWindow,
dialogTitle, dialogText,
buttonFlags, rememberButtonText,
notNowButtonText, neverButtonText,
null, {});
return result;
* _promptToChangePassword
* Called when we think we detect a password change for an existing
* login, when the form being submitted contains multiple password
* fields.
* Return values:
* true - Update the stored password
* false - Do not update the stored password
_promptToChangePassword : function (aWindow, username) {
const buttonFlags = Ci.nsIPrompt.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS;
var dialogText = this._getLocalizedString(
"passwordChangeText", [username]);
var dialogTitle = this._getLocalizedString(
// returns 0 for yes, 1 for no.
var result = this._promptService.confirmEx(aWindow,
dialogTitle, dialogText, buttonFlags,
null, null, null,
null, {});
return !result;
* _promptToChangePasswordWithUsernames
* Called when we detect a password change in a form submission, but we
* don't know which existing login (username) it's for. Asks the user
* to select a username and confirm the password change.
* Returns multiple paramaters:
* [0] - User's respone to the dialog
* true = Update the stored password
* false = Do not update the stored password
* [1] - The username selected
* (null if [0] is false)
_promptToChangePasswordWithUsernames : function (aWindow, usernames) {
const buttonFlags = Ci.nsIPrompt.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS;
var dialogText = this._getLocalizedString("userSelectText");
var dialogTitle = this._getLocalizedString("passwordChangeTitle");
var selectedUser = null, selectedIndex = { value: null };
// If user selects ok, outparam.value is set to the index
// of the selected username.
var ok = this._promptService.select(aWindow,
dialogTitle, dialogText,
usernames.length, usernames,
if (ok)
selectedUser = usernames[selectedIndex.value];
return [ok, selectedUser];
* _getLocalisedString
* Can be called as:
* _getLocalisedString("key1");
* _getLocalizedString("key2", ["arg1"]);
* _getLocalizedString("key3", ["arg1", "arg2"]);
* (etc)
* Returns the localized string for the specified key,
* formatted if required.
_getLocalizedString : function (key, formatArgs) {
if (formatArgs)
return this._strBundle.formatStringFromName(
key, formatArgs, formatArgs.length);
return this._strBundle.GetStringFromName(key);
}; // end of LoginManager implementation
// nsIAutoCompleteResult implementation
function UserAutoCompleteResult (aSearchString, matchingLogins) {
function loginSort(a,b) {
var userA = a.username.toLowerCase();
var userB = b.username.toLowerCase();
if (a < b)
return -1;
if (b > a)
return 1;
return 0;
this.searchString = aSearchString;
this.logins = matchingLogins.sort(loginSort);
this.matchCount = matchingLogins.length;
if (this.matchCount > 0) {
this.searchResult = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_SUCCESS;
this.defaultIndex = 0;
UserAutoCompleteResult.prototype = {
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult,
// private
logins : null,
// Interfaces from idl...
searchString : null,
searchResult : Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_NOMATCH,
defaultIndex : -1,
errorDescription : "",
matchCount : 0,
getValueAt : function (index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.logins.length)
throw "Index out of range.";
return this.logins[index].username;
getCommentAt : function (index) {
return "";
getStyleAt : function (index) {
return "";
getImageAt : function (index) {
return "";
removeValueAt : function (index, removeFromDB) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.logins.length)
throw "Index out of range.";
var removedLogin = this.logins.splice(index, 1);
if (this.defaultIndex > this.logins.length)
if (removeFromDB) {
var pwmgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"]
var component = [LoginManager];
function NSGetModule (compMgr, fileSpec) {
return XPCOMUtils.generateModule(component);